Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First Loves - Log Cabin Block

That moment when you look at a quilt and realize, "hey, I made that!"

My sister's piano recital was in a childhood friend's home.  After the beautiful recital we were invited into the kitchen/family room for refreshments.  While enjoying a chocolate dipped strawberry I noticed something draped across the top of their couch.  A log-cabin quilt that looked strangely familiar... and that's when I recognized it!

This is one of the first quilts I made in High School (11 years ago!).  I learned how to make the block at a church activity and quickly became obsessed.  I made a few for my friends who were graduating, including the quilt pictured.  Can you notice that I tried to the traditional light vs. dark on the block?

I love that this quilt is a part of someone's home décor and is being used.  Whenever I give a quilt away I always tell them to USE and LOVE it.

I think I will always love the log cabin block.  I think it's kind of like that expression of "you'll always love your first car," or "you never forget your first love" (don't worry, my husband was my first love and will always be my love!). 

What quilt block was your first love?

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