1. Admit that you are powerless over your addiction.
Admittedly, I am powerless over my addiction to the color blue (and sometimes green...)
Blue and green have always been my favorite colors. I think a large factor in my color rankings (other than the fact that blue is AWESOME) is my strawberry-blonde hair. Growing up I was told to avoid pinks, reds, oranges and even some yellows due to my complexion. My wardrobe has always been blue and green heavy. Consequently, my fabric stash reflects my wardrobe. Although I am learning, this does not have to be the case.
Basically, I am addicted to blues in all sorts of shades. The blue sections of the local quilt shops unyieldingly beckon to me, as well as the online stores' tab "Blues." And did I mention my husband's eyes are blue, too?
2. Come to believe that a power greater than yourself could restore balance to your stash.
Here is where the color wheel comes in to play. Use the color wheel to help you identify the colors in your stash and ensure you have a good mix of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. A balance color wheel is a happy color wheel (in my opinion).
I believe in you color wheel! Also, peer pressure works well.
3. Make a decision to turn your will to the care of the color wheel
Ok color wheel, show me how it's done.
4. Make an inventory of your fabric stash
Blue, blue, blue, green, blue, blue, yellow, red, brown, black, blue, purple...
A part of my blue collection
5. Admit to others your color addiction
I fully admitted to my addiction at the Sewing Summit. At the first shop I had the courage to admit that I have a problem (two blue fabric bundles already clutched in my hands). My friends encouraged me and help me set limits. One shop I could only get reds and purples, another I needed to buy orange and grey.
Elisa of Stitch Outside the Ditch taught the class: Stash Mixology. This was a pivotal moment for me. She asked us to evaluate our stash to see if it was off-balanced. There were a few snickers from my new friends who knew of my addiction and I chose to admit my addiction to the class. "I have a blue problem."
6. Ready to have the color wheel remove the defects of your color character.
I am ready....though, my budget might not be!
7. Ask the color wheel to remove your color short comings
Please, color wheel, help me restore balance to my fabric stash.
8. Make a list of the colors you've harmed or neglected.
Pink, red, purple, orange, and yellow
In Elisa's Stash Mixology she offered some great advice:
- Ugly will add interest
- Add a zinger to your quilt
- Add black and watch the quilt composition change/improve
9. Make amends to the colors you've neglected.
Buy lots of fuchsia, red, oranges and greys on shop hop.
Here's pictures of some of the shop hop haul:
10. Continue to take inventory and admit when you succumb to your color addiction.
Perform regular inventory of my fabric stash and admit when I buy too much blue (some is ok, right? ---> back to step no. 1).
11. Continually seek to improve and balance the colors of your fabric stash.
Go to local quilt shop or online shop with list of needs and avoid the color blue, unless you love it! Here is the overall picture of the shop hop fabric haul.

All, I challenge you take an inventory of your fabric stash and evaluate where your fabric "rainbow" may be heavy. Are you ok with a lop-sided rainbow? Why not try stretching your color horizons?
So in summary:
The Twelve Step Program for Overcoming Color Addictions:
1. Admit that you are powerless over your addiction.
2. Come to believe that a power greater than yourself could restore balance to your fabric stash.
3. Make a decision to turn your will to the care of the color wheel
4. Make an inventory of your fabric stash
5. Admit to others your color addiction
6. Ready to have the color wheel remove the defects of your color character.
7. Ask the color wheel to remove your color short comings
8. Make a list of the colors you've harmed or neglected.
9. Make amends to the colors you've neglected.
10. Continue to take inventory and admit when you succumb to your color addiction.
11. Continually seek to improve and balance the colors of your fabric stash.
12. Carry this message on to other color addicts and practice the principles in all your crafting.
Thanks for allowing me to humorously allude my color addiction to the respected 12 Step Program for Addictions.
I'll leave you with this final question:
What color(s) are you addicted to?